Submersible water pump price in Bangladesh Submersible water pump mini submersible water pump price list in bangladesh MARQUIS 1500F Submersible water pump
Submersible water pump price in Bangladesh Submersible water pump mini submersible water pump price list in bangladesh MARQUIS 1500F Submersible water pump

Submersible water pump price in Bangladesh Submersible water pump mini submersible water pump price list in bangladesh MARQUIS 1500F Submersible water pump

Price: 18,000 - 18,000
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01747229628

যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Taseen Enterprise 198-202 Nawabpur Road Nawabpur Tower Market, Dhaka - 1100. Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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পাইকারি পণ্যের দাম সর্বদা পরিবর্তনশীল। পণ্যের বর্তমান দাম জানতে উপরের মোবাইল নম্বরে সাপ্লায়রকে সরসরি ফোন করুন। বিদেশি সাপ্লায়ার কে LC বা TT তে দাম পরিশোধ করুন ৷ দেশী সাপ্লায়ার কে ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারী বা ফেস টু ফেস ক্রয় বিক্রয় করতে পারেন । কোন ভাবেই অগ্রিম টাকা পয়সা লেনদেন করবেন না। কুরিয়ারে কন্ডিশনে পণ্য হাতে পেয়ে টাকা প্রদান করবেন৷ আপনার অসাবধানতায় কোন প্রকার প্রতারণার স্বীকার হলে আমরা দায়ী নই ৷ অনলাইনে পন্য ক্রয়ের আগে সমস্ত সিক্যুরিটি গ্রহন করে নিন ৷

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Product details

Submersible water pump price in Bangladesh Submersible water pump mini submersible water pump price list in bangladesh MARQUIS 1500F Submersible water pump

A submersible water pump is a specialized device designed to pump water from submerged locations. Unlike conventional pumps that are placed outside the water source and use suction to draw water, submersible pumps are designed to be fully submerged in the water they are pumping.

These pumps are commonly used in various applications such as residential, agricultural, industrial, and construction settings. They are particularly useful in situations where water needs to be pumped from deep wells, underground reservoirs, basements, or flooded areas.

The design of a submersible water pump includes a sealed motor that is hermetically sealed and placed inside a waterproof housing. This allows the pump to operate safely and efficiently underwater without the risk of electrical damage. The motor powers an impeller, which creates centrifugal force to propel water through the pump and out through a discharge pipe or hose.

One of the key advantages of submersible water pumps is their ability to operate quietly and efficiently. Since they are submerged in water, they benefit from natural cooling, resulting in reduced noise levels and improved energy efficiency compared to external pumps. Additionally, being located closer to the water source allows for higher pumping capacities and increased water pressure.

Submersible water pumps come in various sizes and capacities to suit different requirements. They can handle a wide range of water volumes, from small residential applications to large-scale commercial or industrial needs. Some models may also include additional features like automatic shut-off systems, built-in filters, or variable speed controls to enhance their functionality.

Common uses for submersible water pumps include:

  1. Domestic water supply: These pumps can be used to extract water from wells or boreholes to provide water for household use, including drinking water, irrigation, or filling up storage tanks.

  2. Drainage and flood control: Submersible pumps are essential in managing flood-prone areas or locations with excessive groundwater. They can quickly remove water from basements, construction sites, or any area that requires effective drainage.

  3. Agriculture and irrigation: Farmers often rely on submersible water pumps to supply water for agricultural irrigation systems, providing efficient water distribution to crops, fields, or greenhouses.

  4. Industrial applications: Submersible pumps are used in various industrial settings, such as mining operations, wastewater treatment plants, or construction sites, to handle large volumes of water, sludge, or other fluids.

  5. Fountain and pond maintenance: These pumps are commonly used in decorative fountains, ponds, or water features to circulate water, maintain proper oxygen levels, and create beautiful water displays.

In summary, a submersible water pump is a versatile and efficient device that offers reliable water pumping capabilities in submerged environments. With their durability, quiet operation, and suitability for various applications, these pumps play a crucial role in ensuring efficient water management and distribution.

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